There is this German saying that I use sometimes, ok many times, when working with leaders: If you can’t lead yourself, then you can’t lead others. And as I prefer things phrased [...]
Vor kurzer Zeit las ich einen Kommentar der ungefähr auf folgendes hinauslief: Der Autor beklagte die folgende Situation, in der, wie er sie betitelte “armen Führungskräfte“, und der [...]
This is exciting! This seventh part of my series on inspiring people in my life. This time it is my turn to share, to say thank you to all my lovely colleagues who have contributed to date. [...]
High workload, functioning or non-functioning routines, blips in support systems, goings-on in the world …. take your pick and there are a multitude of triggers in everyone’s life [...]
It’s a new year! And time for the next part of my series on inspiring people in my life. Following the interviews with Susanne, Annika, Kirsten and Karen, this article is an interview with [...]
I am so proud to continue my series of articles on inspiring people in my life. Following the interviews with Susanne, Annika and Kirsten, this interview is with Karen. As you can tell there are [...]
What if I am not convinced by coaching, and have some concerns? What about if I want to integrate coaching in my business and want to be able to deal with resistance to it? Confidentiality is one [...]
I am to continue my series of articles on inspiring people in my life. Following the interviews with Susanne and Annika, this interview is with Kirsten. As you can tell there are many inspiring [...]
I am to continue my series of articles, following the first article, with an interview with Annika. It’s about people who inspire me as a coach and trainer. The interviews will be, [...]
I am thrilled to start a new series of articles, and, at that, with a real corker. It’s about people who inspire me as a coach and trainer. The interviews will be, depending on the [...]