I am pleased to present the ninth part of the my article series on inspiring people in my life. My inspiring colleague Julia Jungclaus-Knigge is on the ‘hot seat’ today. You can find [...]
I am pleased to present the eighth part of the my article series on inspiring people in my life. My inspiring colleague Laura Drees is on the ‘hot seat’ today. You can find the past [...]
It is my pleasure to present a guest article by Sophia Young on the topic of social responsibility and social consciousness in business development. Enjoy the read and a big thank you to Sophia! [...]
Phew, I made it. The other day I received my certificate in the post for my BSc in Applied Psychology and what felt like a mountain fell off my shoulders. There is no way my younger “if I’m going [...]
The underdog, according to Collins English Dictionary is the party ” in a competition or situation is the person who seems least likely to succeed or win.” We all love a good underdog story don’t [...]
So what does coaching contribute to business success? Quite a bit, according to Moritz Mann, founder and managing director of Protofy. Together with his colleagues, the company’s management [...]
What did you want to be when you were a teenager? When I was 14 I decided I wanted to build airplanes. Originally I wanted to fly airplanes, the big Jumbo jets, that is; but I had been informed [...]
Ungeschriebene systemische Gesetze. Damit haben sich meine letzten Artikel beschäftigt, zuerst in Deutsch und dann auf Englisch, zum Thema Geben und Nehmen, und zuletzt zu dem Thema Zughörigkeit. [...]
Unwritten systemic laws, that is what we started talking about in my last two blog posts, initially in German, followed by English. In those I focused on the balance of give and take and how [...]
Wir versprochen in meinem Post zu Delegation Poker, hier Artikel zu Delegation und wie Sie Ihre Delegations-Prozesse in einigen Schritten erfolgreicher machen können. Vielleicht fühlen Sie sich [...]