Vor kurzer Zeit las ich einen Kommentar der ungefähr auf folgendes hinauslief: Der Autor beklagte die folgende Situation, in der, wie er sie betitelte “armen Führungskräfte“, und der [...]
I am pleased to present the ninth part of the my article series on inspiring people in my life. My inspiring colleague Julia Jungclaus-Knigge is on the ‘hot seat’ today. You can find [...]
I am pleased to present the eighth part of the my article series on inspiring people in my life. My inspiring colleague Laura Drees is on the ‘hot seat’ today. You can find the past [...]
I stumbled across this interesting impulse on empathy and caring, both topics that have been on my mind a lot recently. Since last year I have focussed on care and what it means to me, balancing [...]
This is exciting! This seventh part of my series on inspiring people in my life. This time it is my turn to share, to say thank you to all my lovely colleagues who have contributed to date. [...]
Continuing the series on empathy, today’s article is about the value of fostering empathy in your organisations. Empathy, often described as the ability to understand and share the feelings [...]
Building on my last article on empathy, today’s is an impulse piece on empathy and building a psychologically safe environment. Psychological safety means: ‘a believe that there will [...]
The last few weeks and months have left me, next to feeling slightly lost for words, with an even deeper conviction that empathy is a key skill for humans: in life, in leadership, and in [...]
Half-time. Where has the time and the first half of the year gone? After a winter full of infections, etc… and spending plenty of time advising my customers in their mindfulness practice, I [...]
It’s taken a while, but it’ll be worth it: here is the sixth part of my article series on inspiring colleagues! Following the interviews with Susanne, Annika, Kirsten, Karen and Jin, [...]